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CLIENTS: The Pickle Barrel, Lemonade Limited

Pickle Barrel | Local Harvest Menu

Pickle Barrel was ready to launch their new fall menu and AXLE was there to help capture the local farms and farmers that put food on our tables. This project was very interesting as we got to see the entire food production process that leads to the restaurant quality food we know and love. These shoots required us to work long hours and wake up for sunset every day. AXLE also provided quick and effective creative direction when we arrived on location to find that the farmers were not ready for us. Without skipping a beat we sent the drone up and captured the beautiful sunrise while the crew prepared a sequence using a crew member as a “farmer” and sent our new Dodge Ram into the muddy fields. At the end of the project our clients Lemonade Limited and The Pickle Barrel were very impressed with the outcome of the project and the direction we chose. By taking action and making the most of the resources at hand, this project was a success and the launch of the new menu went according to plan.

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